The quick brown^ fox jumped over the lazy dog

The quick^ brown fox jumped over the lazy dog The^ quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog However, " Option- Arrow" brings me to the end of the current word when using the right arrow key, as illustrated here: ^The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog Mac OS X has a similar keyboard shortcut ( Option- → - I mapped " Ctrl" to " Option" specifically so I could get this same functionality in the way I've become accustomed to). ^The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog The quick brown fox ^jumped over the lazy dogĪnd, if I start pressing the ← instead, it will move the cursor to the exact same spots in the document, just going the other direction (which is ideal because the position of the cursor is predictable, which leads to me being faster at making my edits): The quick brown fox ^jumped over the lazy dog The quick brown ^fox jumped over the lazy dog The quick ^brown fox jumped over the lazy dog The ^quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog For example, the following sequence illustrates what would happen to the cursor location after successive presses of Ctrl- → (the "^" will represent the cursor): ^The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog This useful key-combo will quickly bring me to the beginning of the next word.

I rely on the " Ctrl- →" command on Windows to navigate my way through text documents.